I am using a combobox of type file. The file contains GM patches, like: ‘Bank: 0 Preset: 0 Piano 1’. I want to read the selected line via chnget and extract the bank and preset numbers as floats and then pass these to fluidProgramSelect.
I do not understand the following comment:
A combobox can also be set up a work with strings. In this case Csound will receive the currently selected string instead of the current index. Note that using a combobox in this way renders it useless in terms of host automation. Host automation can only be achieved when a combobox is sending the current index, rather than the current string
If I convert the string items to floats and then use them in fluidProgramSelect, why should it be useless in terms of host automation?
Also, the chnget does not seem to work. The combo box starts with empty string, I can select an item but the result is always ‘’, empty…fluidGUI.csd (764 Bytes) GM_list.txt (11.1 KB)GM_test.txt (1.3 KB)