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Research on Procedural Music in Games - Participants needed

Dear Cabbage community,

I’m currently conducting an experiment for my MA thesis on the impact of procedural music on emotion and memory in digital games.

The procedural music in the experiment is generated and synthesized with Csound + CsoundUnity for the integration.
On that note, thanks for the great work! After having tried Pd and ChucK, CsoundUnity turned out to be the most reliable solution, and therefore was perfect for this scenario!

Anyway, I’m still quite urgently looking for participants in the experiment. It takes around 15 minutes and comes in the form of a Unity app for Win/Mac.
Find it here:

If you have any more questions or would like to discuss the project, I’ll be happy to converse here. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Hi @Videon, welcome to the forum. I’m happy to try this wen I get a chance. I launched it a few moments ago but got interrupted so I had to kill the game :rofl: I hope this doesn’t mess with your analysis results.

What university are you doing your MA at?

Hi @rorywalsh! Thanks for taking a look.
Everything is transferred at the very end so the results will be fine. :slight_smile:

I’m studying MA Digital Games at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Coming more from a game dev background and somehow ended up doing experiments on music cognition :rofl:

That’s a nice deviation from game dev :rofl: I will try this again when I get a chance :wink:

1 Like

I completed this a few hours ago. Quite a nice experience! Please share your results when you are done. I think many would find it interesting. Also, you might wish to post a message to the Csound forum too?

Thanks so much for your participation, and for making the whole thing possible with CsoundUnity! :slight_smile:

I will share the thesis and results after my defense. Will put it on Researchgate probably sometime in October.

Good suggestion posting it on the Csound forum. I’ll be sure to do that!

Hi, happy to see you’re using CsoundUnity for your thesis!
I’m trying the macOS version, but I get no sound!
What version of CsoundUnity are you using? The latest (v3) should produce valid builds for macOS.


It looks like you’re using the latest version of CsoundUnity, but from what I read in the log it cannot find the opcode path. Does the macOS build produce sound on your end?
Here is the log:


Mono path[0] = ‘/private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/MA’
Mono config path = ‘/private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/MA’
New input system (experimental) initialized
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/MA
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
2021-08-25 19:50:37.007 MA Thesis[42660:674076] Color LCD preferred device: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (high power)
2021-08-25 19:50:37.007 MA Thesis[42660:674076] Metal devices available: 2
2021-08-25 19:50:37.007 MA Thesis[42660:674076] 0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (high power)
2021-08-25 19:50:37.007 MA Thesis[42660:674076] 1: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (low power)
2021-08-25 19:50:37.007 MA Thesis[42660:674076] Using device NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (high power)
Initializing Metal device caps: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

  • Completed reload, in 0.107 seconds
    UnloadTime: 1.987142 ms
    CsoundUnityBridge constructor from dir: /private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/Packages/com.csound.csoundunity/Runtime/macOS

-n -d ; Initialize the global variables. ksmps = 32 nchnls = 2 0dbfs = 1

seed 0 //Sets a new seed for randomization on every init

giSteps init 16 ;Number of steps per bar (global)
giBars init 4 ;Number of bars per loop (global)

giEuclayers init 4 ;Number of euclidean rhythm percussion layers. Only 4 are supported as of writing. May be changed in the future.

//TABLES - RANGE 900-999 is reserved for perc samples!
;Global config tables - #800-809
giScale ftgen 800, 0, 128, -2, -1 ;Global scale table
giNotes ftgen 801, 0, 128, -2, -1 ;Global table containing midi note numbers of all active notes in scale, last index(127) contains number of active notes, i.e. highest index containing a valid note
giActivebars ftgen 802, 0, 64, -2, -1 ;Global table containing active bar information, read: 4 * # of layers, including individual eucrth layers
giComm ftgen 803, 0, 4, -2, 0 ;Communication table for providing Unity with Csound state information, Params: 0 = update, 1 = currentbar, 2 = currentstep

;EucRth config tables - #810-819
giEucRthConfig ftgen 810, 0, 8, -2, 0 ;Params: 0 = sample table#, 1 = pulses, for layers 0-3
giEucGrid ftgen 811, 0, giEuclayers*giSteps, -2, -1 ;EucRth grid as table. Length is steps * layers.

;SnhMel config tables - #820-829
giSnhMelConfig ftgen 820, 0, 8, -2, 0 ;Params: 0 = pulses, 1 = occurence, 2 = minOct, 3 = maxOct, 4 = melody (lfo) curve, 5 = melody mode
giSnhMelGsyn ftgen 821, 0, 32, -2, 0 ;GSYNTH Instrument config table
giSnhMelGrid ftgen 822, 0, giSteps, -2, -1 ;SNHMEL steps grid

;Chords config tables - #830-839
giChordsConfig ftgen 830, 0, 8, -2, 0 ;Params: 0 = pulses
giChordsNotes ftgen 831, 0, 16, -2, 0 ;Params: 0 = note0, 1 = note1…16 = note16
giChordsGsyn ftgen 832, 0, 32, -2, 0 ;GSYNTH Instrument config table
giChordsGrid ftgen 833, 0, giSteps, -2, -1 ;CHORDS steps grid

;SnhBas config tables - #840-849
giSnhBasConfig ftgen 840, 0, 8, -2, 0 ;Params: 0 = pulses, 1 = occurence, 2 = minOct, 3 = maxOct, 4 = melody (lfo) curve, 5 = melody mode
giSnhBasGsyn ftgen 841, 0, 32, -2, 0 ;GSYNTH Instrument config table
giSnhBasGrid ftgen 842, 0, giSteps, -2, -1 ;SNHBAS steps grid

gisine ftgen 700, 0, 16384, 10, 1 ; Sine wave
gisquare ftgen 701, 0, 16384, 10, 1, 0, 0.3, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.14, 0, .111 ; Square
gisaw ftgen 702, 0, 16384, 10, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.167, 0.14, 0.125, .111 ; Sawtooth
gipulse ftgen 703, 0, 16384, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1 ; Pulse


//Generates a global clock signal (gktrig) as long as it’s running.
instr CLOCK
gkbpm init 110 ;beats per minute
;gkbpm portk chnget(“gBpm”), 0.5
gkbpm chnget “gBpm” ;TODO implement smoothing for handling external value changes

gkcurrentbar init 0 ;setting to -1 as it will be set to 1 on first gkstep
gkstep init 0

kpulses = 4 ;pulses per beat

gktrig metro gkbpm*kpulses/60

if gktrig == 1 then
  gkstep = (gkstep + 1) % giSteps  ;perform modulo operation to clamp step index
  tabw(gkstep,2,803)  ;set comm table index 2 to current step index

  if gkstep == 0 then
    gkcurrentbar = (gkcurrentbar+1) % giBars
    tabw(1,0,803) ;sets table index=0 to 1 to signify update to Unity
    tabw(gkcurrentbar,1,803)  ;set comm table index 1 to current bar index



//Sampler instrument for use with audioclips from Unity
//i, start, dur, pitch, file_index
instr SMPLR_UNITY ; play audio from function table using flooper2 opcode

ifn   =  chnget(sprintf("sampletable%d", 900+p4))
;prints "giTable p4 = %d, ifn = %d\n", p4, ifn
ilen  =  nsamp(ifn)
;prints "actual numbers of samples = %d\n", ilen
itrns =  1	; no transposition
ilps  =  0	; loop starts at index 0
ilpe  =  ilen	; ends at value returned by nsamp above
imode =  1	; loops forward
istrt =  0	; commence playback at index 0 samples
; lphasor provides index into f1
alphs lphasor itrns, ilps, ilpe, imode, istrt
atab  tablei  alphs, ifn

arevL, arevR freeverb atab, atab, 0.5, 0.6

outs atab*0.1+arevL*0.1, atab*0.1+arevR*0.1



//Fills the grid. Triggered at the start of a new bar.
instr EUC_FILL
ipulses = p4
irotation = p5 ;TODO rotation currently not implemented
itabn = p6 ;p6 is grid table#
ioffset = p7 ;offsets write index by grid length * ioffset. needed for tables with multiple grid layers (e.g. EUCRTH)

kbucket init 0
kstep init 0

//Fill sequence
while kstep < giSteps do

    kbucket = kbucket + ipulses

    if kbucket >= giSteps then
        kbucket = kbucket - giSteps
        tabw(1,kstep+ioffset*giSteps,itabn)   ;1 = impulse for triggering sound
        tabw(-1,kstep+ioffset*giSteps,itabn)  ;-1 = no impulse on grid position

    //gkgrid[ilayer][kstep+ giSteps] = gkgrid[ilayer][istep] ;copying current value to offset position (for rotation support)

    kstep += 1


//Steps through the grid and triggers sounds accordingly
instr EUC_STEP
if gktrig == 1 then
//Fill grid on start of a new bar
if gkstep == 0 then
//EUC_FILL for all instruments

      klayer = 0
      while klayer < giEuclayers do
        event "i", "EUC_FILL", 0, 1, tab:k(klayer*2+1, 810), 0, 811, klayer
        klayer += 1

      event "i", "EUC_FILL", 0, 1, tab:k(0,830), 0, 833, 0  //CHORDS

      event "i", "EUC_FILL", 0, 1, tab:k(0,820), 0, 822, 0  //SNHMEL

      event "i", "EUC_FILL", 0, 1, tab:k(0,840), 0, 842, 0  //SNHBAS



      klayer = 0
      while klayer < giEuclayers do ;iterate through all percussion layers
        if tab:k(0 * giBars + gkcurrentbar, 802) > 0 then ;only play if current bar is active
          if tab:k(klayer * 16 + gkstep, 811) > -1 then
              event "i", "SMPLR_UNITY", 0, 2, tab:k(klayer*2, 810)
        klayer += 1

    if tab:k(1 * giBars + gkcurrentbar, 802) > 0 then ;only play if current bar is active, x * giBars to skip bars indices for other instruments
      if tab:k(gkstep, 833) > -1 then
        event "i", "CHORDS", 0, 1





//TODO Maybe SNHMEL could use a morphable wavetable for sound generation??
instr SNHMEL
;kmaxnote = tab:k(127, 801)
kminnote init 0
kmaxnote init 0

koccurence = tab:k(1, 820)
kminoct = tab:k(2,820)12 //multiply octave values by 12 to get octaves as midi-style notes
kmaxoct = tab:k(3,820)
(12+11) //add 11 to include last note of octave

//Find min note index whenever oct settings have changed
if changed(kminoct) == 1 then
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < 127 do
if tab:k(kcnt, 801) >= kminoct then
kminnote = kcnt
kcnt +=1
;printks “MINNOTE: %d”, 0, kminnote

if changed(kmaxoct) == 1 then
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < 127 do
kmaxnote = kcnt
if tab:k(kcnt, 801) >= kmaxoct then
kcnt +=1
;printks “MAXNOTE: %d”, 0, kmaxnote

krd randomi 0.01, 8, 0.1

klfo lfo 1, krd, 1
kscaled = kminnote + (kmaxnote-kminnote) * (klfo - -1) / (1 - -1) //scale lfo from -1…1 to min,max note indices

;printks “KRES: %d”, 0.5, kscaled

gksnhmel_note = limit(kscaled,kminnote,kmaxnote)
gksnhmel_note = tab:k(kscaled,801)

kmode = tab:k(5,820)
;printks “KNOTE: %d”, 0.5, knote
;TODO check if set to discrete mode and play gsynth only in that case.
if gktrig == 1 then
//if continuous
if kmode == 0 kgoto continuous
kgoto discrete ;else

if changed(kmode) == 1 then
  event "i", "GSYNTH_CONTIN", 0, -1, 0, 821

kgoto continue

if changed(kmode) == 1 then
  event "i", "GSYNTH_CONTIN", 0, 1, 0, 821

if tab:k(2 * giBars + gkcurrentbar, 802) > 0 then
  if tab:k(gkstep, 822) > -1 then
    event "i", "GSYNTH", 0, 1, gksnhmel_note, 821




//TODO Currently SNHBAS is identical with SNHMEL. Using two different instruments for allowing individual features later on
instr SNHBAS
;kmaxnote = tab:k(127, 801)
kminnote init 0
kmaxnote init 0

koccurence = tab:k(1, 840)
kminoct = tab:k(2,840)12 //multiply octave values by 12 to get octaves as midi-style notes
kmaxoct = tab:k(3,840)
(12+11) //add 11 to include last note of octave

//Find min note index whenever oct settings have changed
if changed(kminoct) == 1 then
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < 127 do
if tab:k(kcnt, 801) >= kminoct then
kminnote = kcnt
kcnt +=1
;printks “MINNOTE: %d”, 0, kminnote

if changed(kmaxoct) == 1 then
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < 127 do
kmaxnote = kcnt
if tab:k(kcnt, 801) >= kmaxoct then
kcnt +=1
;printks “MAXNOTE: %d”, 0, kmaxnote

klfo lfo 1, 1.2, 5
kscaled = kminnote + (kmaxnote-kminnote) * (klfo - -1) / (1 - -1) //scale lfo from -1…1 to min,max note indices

;printks “KRES: %d”, 0.5, kscaled

knote = limit(kscaled,kminnote,kmaxnote)
knote = tab:k(kscaled,801)

;printks “KNOTE: %d”, 0.5, knote

if gktrig == 1 then
if tab:k(3 * giBars + gkcurrentbar, 802) > 0 then
if tab:k(gkstep, 842) > -1 then
event “i”, “GSYNTH”, 0, 1, knote, 841




//Fetches notes from note ftable (#831)
instr CHORDS
kCnt init 0

while kCnt < 16 do
kval = tab:k(kCnt,831) ;kval is also note as midi number

if kval > -1 then
  event "i", "GSYNTH", 0, 1, kval, 832

kCnt += 1




//Wavetable numbers: sine = 710, square = 711, saw = 712, pulse = 713

gisyntrig init 0

//i GSYNTH [p3 = length] [p4 = note] [p5 = param table#] [p6 = panning, 0=L, 1=R]
// TABLE VALUES: [p5 = velocity] [p6 = osc waveform 0:sin 1:sqr 2:saw] [p7 = noise amp]
// [p8 = filter frequency] [p9 = filter resonance] [p10 = filter env amount][p11,12,13,14 = filter A,D,S,R] [p15,16,17,18 = amp A,D,S,R]
// [p19 = stereo width] [p20,21,22 = reverb amount, room size, damp]
instr GSYNTH

;pX = lfo waveform

//Input/midi variables
ifreq = pow(2,(p4-69)/12)*440 ;note as midi# value, is converted to frequency (Hz)

ifn = p5

ivel = tab_i(5,ifn) ;note velocity value

iwf = 700+tab_i(6,ifn) ;waveform

inoise = tab_i(7,ifn) ;noise amount

//Filter parameters
iffreq = tab_i(8,ifn) ;lowpass filter frequency
ifres = tab_i(9,ifn) ;lowpass filter resonance
ifenv_amt = tab_i(10,ifn) ;lowpass filter env amount

ifenv_att = tab_i(11,ifn) ;filter attack
ifenv_dec = tab_i(12,ifn) ;filter decay
ifenv_sus = tab_i(13,ifn) ;filter sustain
ifenv_rel = tab_i(14,ifn) ;filter release

//Amp parameters
iaenv_att = tab_i(15,ifn) ;amp attack
iaenv_dec = tab_i(16,ifn) ;amp decay
iaenv_sus = tab_i(17,ifn) ;amp sustain
iaenv_rel = tab_i(18,ifn) ;amp release

//Additional parameters
iwidth = tab_i(19,ifn) ;stereo width

irev_amt = tab_i(20,ifn)
irev_roomsize = tab_i(21,ifn)
irev_damp = tab_i(22,ifn)

//Perform alternating execution when a note is played
if gisyntrig == 1 then
kpan = 0.5 + iwidth / 2 ;set note panning r
gisyntrig = 0
kpan = 0.5 - iwidth / 2
gisyntrig = 1

klfo1 lfo 1, 1

aosc1 poscil ivel, ifreq, iwf

anoise rand limit(inoise,0,1)

abus = aosc1 + anoise

kfenv madsr ifenv_att, ifenv_dec, ifenv_sus, ifenv_rel ;filter envelope

alp zdf_2pole abus, iffreq+kfenv*ifenv_amt, ifres ;filter signal

aaenv madsr iaenv_att, iaenv_dec, iaenv_sus, iaenv_rel ;amplitude envelope

abus = alp*aaenv

abusL, abusR pan2 abus, kpan ;pan signal

arevL, arevR freeverb abusL, abusR, irev_roomsize, irev_damp

outs abusL+arevLirev_amt, abusR+arevRirev_amt




//Wavetable numbers: sine = 710, square = 711, saw = 712, pulse = 713

//i GSYNTH [p3 = length] [p4 = note] [p5 = param table#] [p6 = panning, 0=L, 1=R]
// TABLE VALUES: [p5 = velocity] [p6 = osc waveform 0:sin 1:sqr 2:saw] [p7 = noise amp]
// [p8 = filter frequency] [p9 = filter resonance] [p10 = filter env amount][p11,12,13,14 = filter A,D,S,R] [p15,16,17,18 = amp A,D,S,R]
// [p19 = stereo width] [p20,21,22 = reverb amount, room size, damp]

;pX = lfo waveform

//Input/midi variables
kfreq = pow(2,(gksnhmel_note-69)/12)*440 ;note as midi# value, is converted to frequency (Hz)

ifn = p5

kvel = tab_i(5,ifn) ;note velocity value

iwf = 700+tab_i(6,ifn) ;waveform

knoise = tab_i(7,ifn) ;noise amount

//Filter parameters
kffreq = tab_i(8,ifn) ;lowpass filter frequency
kfres = tab_i(9,ifn) ;lowpass filter resonance
kfenv_amt = tab_i(10,ifn) ;lowpass filter env amount

ifenv_att = tab_i(11,ifn) ;filter attack
ifenv_dec = tab_i(12,ifn) ;filter decay
ifenv_sus = tab_i(13,ifn) ;filter sustain
ifenv_rel = tab_i(14,ifn) ;filter release

//Amp parameters
iaenv_att = tab_i(15,ifn) ;amp attack
iaenv_dec = tab_i(16,ifn) ;amp decay
iaenv_sus = tab_i(17,ifn) ;amp sustain
iaenv_rel = tab_i(18,ifn) ;amp release

//Additional parameters
iwidth = tab_i(19,ifn) ;stereo width

krev_amt = tab_i(20,ifn)
krev_roomsize = tab_i(21,ifn)
krev_damp = tab_i(22,ifn)

//TODO Panning may be modulated by k value
kpan = 0.5

klfo1 lfo 1, iwf
krd randomi 0.01, 0.1, 0.1 ;min,max,cps

aosc1 poscil krd, kfreq, 702

anoise rand limit(knoise,0,1)

abus = aosc1 + anoise

kfenv madsr ifenv_att, ifenv_dec, ifenv_sus, ifenv_rel ;filter envelope

alp zdf_2pole abus, kffreq+kfenv*kfenv_amt, kfres ;filter signal

aaenv madsr iaenv_att, iaenv_dec, iaenv_sus, iaenv_rel ;amplitude envelope

;abus = alp*aaenv

abusL, abusR pan2 abus, kpan ;pan signal

arevL, arevR freeverb abusL, abusR, krev_roomsize, krev_damp

outs aosc1, aosc1
;outs abusL+arevLkrev_amt, abusR+arevRkrev_amt



f 0 z
i “CLOCK” 2 -1
i “EUC_STEP” 2 -1
i “SNHMEL” 2 -1
i “SNHBAS” 2 -1

opcodePath /private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/Packages/com.csound.csoundunity/Runtime/macOS/CsoundLib64.bundle/Contents/MacOS exists? False

WARNING: e[mError opening plugin directory ‘/private/var/folders/cp/l9853sv572q8n42ncj7plhy80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F32848CA-01D5-420E-95E2-A4355D71AE04/d/Packages/com.csound.csoundunity/Runtime/macOS/CsoundLib64.bundle/Contents/MacOS’: No such file or directorye[m
e[m0dBFS level = 32768.0
–Csound version 6.14 (double samples) Jan 26 2020
[commit: 0ce67f7c105ed2aee98d0e7f43558d62357c769b]
System buffer size: 1024, buffer count: 4, samplerate: 44100

PerformKsmps: 0

CsoundCompile: True

zerdbfs 1

CsoundUnity done init, compiledOk? True

inactive allocs returned to freespace
end of score. overall amps: 0.91331 0.90319
overall samples out of range: 0 0
0 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 13.933s, CPU: 7.561s
Setting up 4 worker threads for Enlighten.
Thread -> id: 70000f3d2000 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 7000109ed000 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 70001073b000 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 70001096a000 -> priority: 1


Sorry for the false flag, I have sound! (had a wrong output device selected). :ok_hand:


At the start of the app there are some glitches, the notes come all together!
Apart from that, It was really interesting to try it!
Thank you!

1 Like

Hi @giovannibedetti, thank you so much for trying it out!

I’m aware of the sounds playing at the start of the app. It’s due to the sequencer starting to play before notes are generated. However, I decided to keep it in as it’s useful for testing whether the sound is working. Also, it reminds me a bit of an orchestra tuning up before playing :grin:

Interesting to see that the log outputs the complete source code for the Csound part of the project haha.

Yes this is something we should remove from the Logs :wink:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to follow up with the results of the experiment. You can find them in my MA thesis on Researchgate (click here)

Thanks again for your help and participation!

1 Like

Thanks for sharing this.:+1: