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What's the 'best' way of 'exporting' the audio produced through CsoundUnity?

Hello Rory and Giovanni!

I was trying to ‘record’ a piece I made with CsoundUnity by sending Unity’s audio to Soundflower and then receive it on quickTimePlayer (which is what I usually do when using Unity’s Audio Engine). However, it didn’t detect the signal – is there any solution that comes to mind?

I could try recording from the Quest2 but it is not ideal.

Thank you very much!
Mateo Larrea

I will think of an easy (maybe integrated) way of doing this, I think there are several options.
But the easiest I can think of is using the UnityRecorder
I will get back to you after some tests in the next days :wink:

I just tried with the Unity Recorder, it works!
[@chenliu52 you also needed to record the output right?]
It’s very easy to setup, simply import the package, it’s under the Unity Registry.
After importing it, open the Recorder Window from Window/General/Recorder/Recorder Window.
Add an audio track pressing Add Recorder.
Pressing the red Play button in that window will play the scene and start recording.
You will find a wav file in the folder you selected in the settings.

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That sounds exciting! Thank you so much XD I am gonna try it out

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Fantastic! And thanks for the quick response, Giovanni!