Hi Rory,
I’m having rouble automating plugin parameters in DAW (Ableton Live). This seems related to my previous question about sending MIDI feedback to controller (https://forum.cabbageaudio.com/t/midi-feedback-from-plugin-to-midi-controller-can-plugin-inform-a-mapped-midi-controller-about-the-state-of-variables-when-they-change-internally-without-using-a-mouse/1847), which you resolved by fixing the code (I am currently running Cabbage 2.3.41). So, now plugins do inform DAW about parameter changes, which in turn send MIDI feedback to an external harware MIDI controller via MIDI mapping. However, when automation is applied to a plugin knob, DAW seems to interpret plugins’ feedback as if the knob was changed manually, thus interrupting automation. In Ableton, the “Re-Enable Automation Button” is tuned on when automation is not active - see example:
The examples here are the basic synth and effect Cabbage templates exported as vst. I tried also with au (same behaviour). In GarageBand the automation is not interrupted, but the knob value stutters more or less depending on the slew rate of the automation.
I find automation critical for a good plugin work-flow, so I really hope you can help me resolve this problem.
Best regards,