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Tutorial Requests

Topic Replies Activity
About the Tutorial Requests category 1 28 May 2017
Any way to create a reverse reverb? 8 22 June 2024
Creating a "choke" for audio in a sampler 7 4 December 2022
How to read to a buffer and mess with it live? 6 30 July 2022
Book on Cabbage? 7 11 April 2022
Set up gentable to control multiple opcodes quickly 5 15 March 2022
Randomize button 3 13 January 2022
How do we make a vst instrument with samples 3 20 September 2021
Applying separate effects to a stereo file 4 15 December 2020
Fuzz distortion 7 22 September 2020
Sample Rate Reduction not using Fold 9 20 September 2020
Digitech PDS 1002 Repeat Hold functionality 3 19 June 2020
All my Cabbage projects have Aliasing problems! 2 16 March 2020
How do you pitch an audiofile from ftgen? 3 15 May 2019
Cabbage The Leading Evolution of Sound Makes Music Industry History 11 17 April 2019
My VST doesn't work with another system 4 22 August 2018
In which circumstances to use event, subinstr, UDO 8 1 August 2018
Problems with signaldisplay 5 28 May 2018
Is there anyway to build automatical a F-Gen Table with "File-Button" 11 27 May 2018
How to limit the volume level in Csound? 6 11 July 2017
Midi opcodes 3 20 June 2017
Reading speed of a GEN table 10 31 May 2017
Understandig how Cabbage/Csound works 8 24 April 2016