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Topic Replies Activity
New openGL() mode identifier 40 3 August 2021
New defaultValue() identifier for sliders 1 3 August 2021
Some new reserved channels 1 25 May 2021
New Cabbage widget opcodes 54 27 July 2021
New cabbageGetWidgetChannels opcode 5 17 July 2021
Widgets should not share channels names 30 15 July 2021
New moveBehind() identifier 5 14 July 2021
PDC can now be changed in realtime 8 14 July 2021
New rslider identifiers 14 9 July 2021
New HOST_BUFFER_SIZE channel 2 25 June 2021
Cabbage 2.7 is out! 4 23 June 2021
Csound/Cabbage private lessons 3 22 June 2021
Updates/Fixes/Mods etc 1 8 June 2021
Some new opcodes 4 3 June 2021
cabbageCreate opcode update 16 1 June 2021
Breaking change (kind of) - saving sessions 5 27 May 2021
New presetIgnore() identifier 8 27 May 2021
New numberOfClicks identifier for listbox 1 27 May 2021
Custom preset file names 1 23 May 2021
New Identifiers page in the Docs 2 22 May 2021
Cabbage 2.6 is out! 11 20 May 2021
Quick plugin resizing 1 13 May 2021
Deprecating textbox 5 5 May 2021
Adding extra optional parameter to populate() identifier 1 5 May 2021
New opcodes for saving plugin data 1 3 May 2021
Updating filebutton modes 1 30 April 2021
widgetArray() is deprecated 1 29 April 2021
New sliderBounds() and valueTextBoxBounds() identifiers 1 28 April 2021
New menu command - update preset files 1 28 April 2021
New sort() identifier 1 27 April 2021