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Csound for Games

Topic Replies Activity
Csound for multiple versions of Unity 8 2 January 2018
Procedural instruments 20 16 December 2017
Limits of Csound in Unity 23 30 October 2017
Csound crashes Unity completely (resolved) 32 26 October 2017
Cabbage/Csound license for commercial projects? 2 25 September 2017
CsoundUnity cross-platform compatibility 2 25 September 2017
Adapting GEN02 for Unity sequencer 5 9 September 2017
Unity 3D music sequencer project - advice on options 93 7 September 2017
Csound engine overhead on mobile 1 22 August 2017
Relation between Unity calls and K-values in Csound 2 6 August 2017
Fluidsynth or multi sample player example for Cabbage? 21 2 August 2017
Questions and suggestions about writing audio API for a game engine 4 7 July 2017
Processing Audio with inch opcode 16 22 June 2017
CsoundUnity for beat matching 30 8 June 2017
Unity/Cabbage: Gain being controlled by distance from Object 3 14 April 2017
Unity Audio SDK/aka Unity Mixer plug in support or existing Csound mixing options? 5 12 April 2017
Managing build sizes and resource management of Csound in Game Engines 2 12 April 2017
Short demo video of game made with Unity and Csound 7 5 April 2017
Fmod 1.09.02 crash on mac 28 5 April 2017
Csound weather demo 7 2 April 2017
New sub-forum 2 17 March 2017