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Csound for Games

Topic Replies Activity
Processing Unity audio output in Csound 2 6 June 2022
Multichannel output to Unity Audio Sources 3 30 April 2022
DllNotFoundException when Unity deploys to Android 4 14 April 2022
CsoundUnity Package (UPM) development 634 16 March 2022
No Sound in Build for Apple Silicon 7 10 March 2022
What's the 'best' way of 'exporting' the audio produced through CsoundUnity? 5 8 March 2022
CsoundUnity HRTF Not Working on Oculus Quest 2 3 7 March 2022
Saving .matrixB with .csd 11 24 February 2022
Csound with Oculus Interaction SDK 10 24 February 2022
CsoundUnity DummyClip pops up 4 2 January 2022
APK crashed on start up in Oculus 28 23 December 2021
Exposing csoundGetChannelIist... for presets? 18 2 November 2021
CsoundUnity - Quest Build - Process Clip Audio - Crashes 8 1 November 2021
CsoundUnity: Combobox and Storing Inspector Values 8 29 October 2021
Research on Procedural Music in Games - Participants needed 11 26 October 2021
CsoundUnity apk Not Running in the Oculus Quest 2 4 25 October 2021
Trigger and keep Csound rendering without a collider 3 22 October 2021
Cabbage FMOD Android .so support 179 16 October 2021
Panning from Csound, relationship to AudioSource in Unity 74 9 September 2021
CsoundUnity csd editor 6 8 May 2021
CsoundUnity 3.0 is out! 2 3 May 2021
Cabbage -> FMod on MacOS 10.14 - plugin error 15 2 May 2021
Getting Csound fmod plugin to work in Unity 3 13 April 2021
CsoundUnity CopyTableOut not working [SOLVED] 9 30 December 2020
Opcodes not getting linked correctly at runtime (CsoundUnity, macOS) 24 3 December 2020
Microtonal synthesizer in Unity/FMOD, is Csound an option? 17 27 November 2020
Routing csound output channels to unity gameobjects 10 26 November 2020
FMOD not recognising Basic Instruments 8 6 November 2020
Unity can't find FMOD Csound plugin 4 26 October 2020
Audio Dropouts in FMOD 8 19 October 2020