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Csound for Games

Topic Replies Activity
About the Csound for Games category 1 13 March 2017
Unity: Dynamically enable/disable AudioSource+CsoundUnity components 13 26 July 2024
Mono Instruments for 3D audio + ksmps Performance Impact 12 17 July 2024
CsoundUnity Crashing 14 26 April 2024
[CsoundUnity] Android app crashes on startup 20 25 March 2024
Exporting FMOD effect plugin has undesired behaviour 8 21 March 2024
Returning to CsoundUnity and updating old project 42 15 February 2024
CsoundUnity Issues + Workflow Suggestions? 4 11 February 2024
Cabbage and WWise plugins 25 29 January 2024
Pitch issue on Android with sf2 sequence playback 17 21 January 2024
Latest Version 9 23 November 2023
Where is the Export FMOD Plugin? 15 3 November 2023
CsoundUnity 3.0, "sfload: cannot open SoundFont file" 51 1 November 2023
[CsoundUnity] Loading UDOs 4 1 October 2023
[CsoundUnity] Dynamically create Csound audio channels 21 1 October 2023
SetChannel NullReference Error 5 6 August 2023
[CsoundUnity] Loading Midi files 2 11 July 2023
VR CsoundUnity Sequencer 14 25 May 2023
FMOD Plug-ins cannot be found on Unity build 4 27 January 2023
CSoundUnity vs CSoundFMOD 2 28 December 2022
3d objects in gui 28 7 December 2022
CSound Unity IOS build failure 76 6 December 2022
Embedded Filter System for CsoundUnity 7 14 November 2022
Optimization tips for Csound in Unity 9 22 September 2022
Scanned/Plugins in Unity 10 22 September 2022
Preset branch unable to build 13 14 September 2022
Adding a set of standard Csound-based DSP Components to the next version of Csound Unitynts to 39 12 September 2022
Chnget VS cabbageGetValue 3 26 July 2022
Procedural audio using csound (plugin) 11 13 July 2022
Skew (log. sliders) in CsoundUnity 3 11 July 2022